Lighting Arrangement Tips for Your Outdoor Tennis Court


Lighting Arrangement Tips for Your Outdoor Tennis Court

There are several elements to consider if you’re installing an outdoor tennis court on any property, and lighting is high up on this list. For both safety and other practical reasons, ensuring a robust lighting setup is vital for any outdoor te ...

Tennis Court Drying Timeline: Techniques to Speed it Up


Tennis Court Drying Timeline

In part one of this two-part blog series, we looked at some of the risks of a wet tennis court plus some of the factors that play into a tennis court’s drying timeline. What about if you’re looking to speed up this timeline and get back o ...

Tennis Court Drying Timeline: Averages, Sunlight


Tennis Court Drying

It’s a common question for outdoor tennis players, particularly as we approach one of the wettest seasons in Utah: How long do tennis courts take to dry after a rainstorm or some other moisture event? The answer depends on a few key factors. At ...