Tennis Court Drying Timeline: Averages, Sunlight


Tennis Court Drying

It’s a common question for outdoor tennis players, particularly as we approach one of the wettest seasons in Utah: How long do tennis courts take to dry after a rainstorm or some other moisture event? The answer depends on a few key factors. At ...

How Big is an Outdoor Basketball Court? Unique Elements


Outdoor Basketball Court

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the standard dimensions for a basketball court, plus the “buffer” border you typically want for many such courts. Proper dimensions can be important for your court for a few r ...

How Big is an Outdoor Basketball Court? Standards and Buffer


How Big is an Outdoor Basketball Court

There are a few major questions you may have ahead of installing an outdoor basketball court on any kind of property, and some of these will naturally revolve around size. How big is an outdoor basketball court? There are both general standards and p ...